The Shelby Area District Library catalog features over 36,000 titles of books, audiobooks, and DVDs. To search the catalog online, see the titles you have checked out or on hold, and view checkout history, simply click the button below and login to your account.
Search the Catalog
How to use the SADL Online Catalog
- Click on the SADL Catalog button.
- Once there, click on the ‘Hello Guest Please Login’ link at the upper right.
- Your username is your library card number and your password is the last 4 digits of your phone number.
- Use the search bar at the top center to look up titles in our collection.
- To view currently borrowed items and due dates, items on hold, your checkout history, fines and lost items, click on the ‘Your Account’ drop down menu in the upper right.
If you need assistance accessing your account, feel free to contact the library at (231) 861-4565.