The Friends of Shelby Area District Library are pleased to announce that we were one of the Michigan libraries to receive a grant from the American Heart Association (AHA) to support good heart health! The grant has allowed the Shelby Library to obtain clinically validated (accurate) blood pressure monitors to be used on site, provide educational support for staff and community members, and information for referral to local health care providers. Blood pressure is the leading cause of preventable death with nearly 120 million Americans experiencing some level of hypertension and rates are often higher in rural areas like ours. The blood pressure monitors will soon be available for use at the Shelby Library including printed educational material, instructions to assist our patrons in the use of these devices, and where to seek additional guidance and treatment as needed. The Friends of SADL thank the AHA for this grant and the staff of the Shelby Library for their support of this important initiative to serve our community.
The Garden Sale and Free Plant Giveaway on June 1 was a hit with the community again! Income from the donations received were over $1,400, surpassing last year. Thanks to our volunteers Diana Clark, Kathy Shea, Mary Ann Carey, Julie McKeen, Sharon Zoller, Janet Schultz, Paula Inglis, Kathy Sullivan, Mary Ellen Heyde, Tiffany Hicks, Patty Schlaudt, and Connie Near who assisted with set-up and the selection of plants, garden items, and closing up the Garden Sale by 11 am since most of the plants were gone. Thank you to the community who donated items and plants and came out to support the library. Our five garden themed baskets by Emilee Best, Mary Ann Carey, and Amanda Mazur, Kathy Shea, and Connie Near were also silent auctioned as part of this fundraiser.
There are many activities going on at our Shelby Library this summer! Please see Tiffany Haight in the library if you would like to volunteer to help at any of the many classes and activities. A Community Open House Monday July 22 from 10am-12noon is also in the works with the Friends of S.A.D.L. and the Library Board making special plans for this event! Contact Tiffany or myself ([email protected]) to volunteer. The next quarterly meeting of the Friends of Shelby Area District Library is Thursday, July 11 at 5:00 in the Meeting Room. Plans for the Open House and upcoming Good Buy Book Sale in August will also be finalized. Refreshments will be served. It’s not too early to start gathering books at home to donate to the Book Sale August 24. More about this event will be posted in the next newsletter. Volunteers are needed to sort books and assist with the sale so please sign up at the circulation desk to help.
Take advantage of the many activities this summer at the Shelby Library for adults and children like the awesome Exotic Animal Show we sponsored in June! Happy summer!
Cindy McKinnon
President, Friends of SADL